As the days go by there is more and more authorities interference in Mumbaikars lives. First it was the SMS cap of 200 smses per day decision, then Mumbai Police wanted the Mobile Operators to physically verify the addresses of the new SIM applicants. The latest salvo fired by the Mumbai Police is that the PCO and Telephone Operators will seek Identity Cards of users of their telephones and keep a register with them ready for Police.
It seems the further we age since gaining our Independence the more the authorities are intent on keeping check on us, innocent bystanders. There are CCTVs every where, our travel can be tagged by the Government through Mobile operators, our SMS's, emails and BBM can be monitored, if we visit Internet Cafe, we have to furnish our identity proof and now even private telephone booths will be required to monitor its users. There are Nakabandis day in day out at every entry and exit point of the city. There is a hidden baseless fear, and the authorities are not helping us to get better of it.
This Big Brother syndrome is getting relentless. Mumbai was not like this before 1992, it was a free, fair and most cosmopolitan city in India. Anybody could ask for addresses and people would indulge in them. But now even asking for an address creates suspicion. /Outstation guests would be treated fairly and many a times they would be properly fed and guided. Cutting Chai would be offered to almost any unknown person. How this has changed dramatically in 20 years.
If there is a old bag lying found at some corner, it is bound to disturb the traffic, create havoc in the area, instill fear and stir the dirty memories of the 1993, 26/11 and other horrendous crimes committed by the terrorists on this beautiful city.
If this is the way the authorities play it, I am afraid the terrorists, who want just that, are winning the game or what ever you can call it. Our lives are being dictated by some irrational fool who has been brainwashed into doing something which no God will ever forgive. But instead of sensitising the people and making them aware of the realities, the authorities are bringing more and more clamp downs on our personal life.
The only answer to get out of this mess is literacy and employment generation. If a person is literate, he is very less likely to be brainwashed by some fool into doing something foolhardy. And if there is enough employment, people won't have time to do something idiotic other than live a simple hard earned life.
Economics rather than politics should drive the Nation as it is Economics that creates demand and supply, jobs and spending. The world is round and to assume it to be flat would be dangerous. If we think keeping tabs on others will save us than we are being unreasonable, as almost all the terror or other criminal acts are perpetrated by a unknown person who just vanishes after doing the act.
Hope we wake up to this fact and answer a few honest questions. I have already written a article about Nirbhaya and the anatomy of a rape. Please read them. I have also given advice about what you can do here.
Please post your comments on this article.
Vijay Prabhu