India is witnessing unprecedented crimes against the women and there are lot of protests taking place in all over India. In this context I am writing this blog. It is intended to be a wake up call for all of you readers out there.
Rape in India and you

All of us know about the brutal gang rape on a Para-medic student in New Delhi, Nirbhaya. Almost all of us are angry, some have tweeted, some have posted their anger on Facebook and other social networking websites, and many of us who are citizens of New Delhi have taken part in the week long protests that are going on at India Gate in New Delhi.
But is vandalism, destroying a few cars, police jeeps and venting anger against the Law or vigilantism an answer to what happened with Nirbhaya? No. The answer is a big NO!
My friends if India has to progress then we are the people who matter and count and violence is no answer for the brutality inflicted on Nirbhaya by the mad and psychotic individuals.
So what do we do?- Here is what we can do as responsible citizens of Republic of India.
The Government of India has constituted a Committee to seek amendment in Criminal Laws relating to Safety and Security of Women in India.
The Committee is to be chaired by Justice J.S.Verma and its two members are Justice Leila Seth and Gopal Subramanium. It is to submit its report within 30 days to the Government of India.
What you as an individual can do about it?
Instead of showing your anger on the streets, passing comments with your friends and relatives about what should be done, take few minutes out and log on to the Internet and send an email to Justice Verma at justice.verma@nic.in and post a copy of my blog. This would take only a few minutes of your valuable time, but remember this is also about India's future and the future of our near and dear ones. For their safety and for a dream of beautiful India kindly act now.
Please don't send idiotic messages like the perpetrators should be hanged in public or castrated. You are entitled to your opinion but make your opinion count. Just think about what really should be done to stop a menace like this and what we can realistically achieve to stop this from repeating again and again.
My Opinion :
My opinion is that just hanging or castration will not do. The penalty should be more serious so that any one thinking of committing a crime like this will think twice before doing so.
The Government of India should make the Police Stations take up every rape case as a serious offence and a 30 day limit should be given to the Investigating Officer. Then Government should set up Special Courts all over the country and decide on the matter within a set time frame say 3 months.
This should work like the RTI Act 2005 so just like RTI Act 2005 provisions, the onus of delivery lies with the Inspector, his Superiors and Judge, if the case is not brought to the Court within 30 days the Inspector and his immediate Superiors are penalised by a suitable amount. If the Court doesn't deliver justice within the said time frame the Judge himself may be penalised.
As for penalty, I think we should set up a Guantanamo Bay like facility somewhere in Andamans and exile the perpetrators to this facility with no contact to human civilisation. This would not only serve the purpose of sentencing but also maybe make these criminals see the severity of the crime they have committed.
Further it will also instill a fear of being sent to such a place. Remember how the Britishers used Kaala Paani Prison to fish out our Freedom Fighters. Their purpose was wrong but the word Kaala Paani still instills fear in us. This facility should act like a big deterrent to the fools and maniacs who indulge in this sort of crimes with impunity that transcends human intelligence.
This facility should be totally secluded from human civilisation and the criminals sentenced there should be made to work and live on their own work. This facility should be handled by the Indian Army as it requires discipline and Indian Army is the best there is. Also because involvement of Civilian authority like Police etc. makes it prone to corruption and narcissism.
For this to work even the so called eve teasers should be booked under the same law with the period of sentencing to be decided on the severity of their teasing or crime.
This is my opinion which I have mailed, you may have a more valid opinion and feasible opinion. So Act, now go online and send the email as soon as possible. This is required urgently in the interest of the Nation, in the interest of all the females out there and all our wives, sisters, daughters.
the email id is justice.verma@nic.in
The last date for sending your comments/opinions is 5.1.2013
You can also write down your opinion on a piece of paper and FAX it down to 011-23092675 and post a copy here
Vijay Prabhu