
Monday 18 August 2014

Bitcoin made Anonymous and off the blockchain by BitcoinDark’s Cryptocurrency Teleport Technology

Tracking Bitcoin based transactions will get that more difficult with the launch of next generation anonymous Teleport technology. Being implemented BitcoinDark, the new technology will ensure all transactions made through this portal will be completely private and off the blockchain.  

Bitcoin made Anonymous and off the blockchain by BitcoinDark’s Cryptocurrency Teleport Technology

The company, BitcoinDark today in a pressers, says that it aims to create a decentralized currency and payment system with supporting decentralized trading, a P2P asset exchange and constructive collaboration across the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As of now bitcoin transactions can be tracked through the blockchain which give Bitcoin wallet information.  BitcoinDark’s exclusive anonymous teleport technology will also make Bitcoin itself fully anonymous. 

BitcoinDark  is already available for trading on cryptocurrency exchanges Bittrex, Atomic Trade, Cryptsy and Poloniex.  To have the teleporting capabilities, Bitcoindark is getting the infrastructure in place.  The technology will use BitcoinDark’s open source Teleportation technology to keep the transactions away from prying eyes and keep them fully confidential.  Once the network and infrastructure is in place, it will give coin developers access to all of BitcoinDark’s cutting edge tools such as the being able to trade on decentralized exchange InstantDEX, run tradebots for their coin, auto convert bridges to get their coin accepted anywhere BTC is accepted, and earn dividends from InstantDEX.

BitcoinDark is a peer-to-peer Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrency. 1.2 million BitcoinDark coins were mined during the PoW phase. With 5% new coins per year from staking, it will take until the year 2020 to reach 1.5 million coins. With an ultimate maximum of 22 million coins, BTCD will generate 5% annual staking revenue for holders for more than 60 years. In addition, BTCD holders will earn revenue from InstantDEX and Teleport fees: BitcoinDark is the only cryptocurrency that will reward holders with income denominated in Bitcoin.

“I want to openly reach out to other coins to join BTCD revolution. I am making libjl777 that can be integrated into any coin in a few days and this will allow the creation of a super network that will dramatically increase privacy levels, not to mention InstantDEX trading volumes and revenue sharing that will be earned by these other coins. BTCD will help other coins teleport for a minimal fee and it is quite possible that with the revenue sharing that they would actually get paid for integrating into BTCD network!” explains BTCD head developer jl777.

Anonymous teleporting of funds occurs off the blockchain but is verified using the blockchain utilizing the benefits of a public record without leaking any personal information. 

The dark world of Bitcoins may get darker with the implementation of the teleporting protocol.

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