Just hours after tweeting that it had handled a record 64 billion messages on the April Fools Day, the most popular cross platform messaging App, WhatsApp today suffered from its worst outage of 2014. WhatsApp was down for most mobiles and iPhones WhatsApp users are unable to send messages as the service kept trying to connect to the internet for several minutes, before finally sending a message to the recipient.
new daily record: 20B messages sent (inbound) and 44B messages received (outbound) by our users = 64B messages handled in just 24 hours.
— WhatsApp Inc. (@WhatsApp) April 2, 2014
The Android and Windows Phone mobile users also reported that they were unable to send and receive messages instantly as they normally do. There were also reports of the messages being reported as sent from the user but the recipients did not get them for several minutes.
As is the norm now a days, WhatsApp users took to Twitter to vent their frustration over this outage with one user claiming that this was the Great WhatsApp crash of 2014.
This is @WhatsApp's second major outage since being acquired by Facebook less than two months ago.
— JT Teran (@jt_teran) April 2, 2014
#LYNnews: After It’s Biggest Day in History, @WhatsApp Goes Down Worldwide http://t.co/XKUfzhT4h4
— Lowyat.NET (@LowyatNET) April 2, 2014
Whatsapp go home you're drunk! @WhatsApp
— Syed Abdullah (@ZlatanSyedmovic) April 2, 2014
Surprisingly, WhatsApp is fine on my Android. It's not working on my iPhone pulak. Hi @WhatsApp you gotta settle this now dude. NOW.
— Cecilia Adeline (@ceciliadeline) April 2, 2014