Twitter has updated its Windows Phone App and now brings a interesting feature to users. Users can now view the foreign languages translated into their native one on your timeline. The built-in translation feature will be powered by the Microsoft Translator API.
The latest update is available for Windows Phone 7.5 and 8. If users will remember, Twitter had updated the Windows Phone App in May 2013 to give you a nice UI experience in addition to support for Vine and 8 photo filters for images. The update now jacks up the version number, is available for Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 8 from the Windows Phone Store here.
BlackBerry users have also been given a update for their Twitter App. This update primarily is for image enhancement. Still there is no sign of any filters for BlackBerry App but it bring features like photo card support, indicators for 'Retweets' and 'Favourites' also when you now expand a tweet on your BlackBerry devices, you will be able to view images in-line.
The app update pushes it to version 4.2 and is available for almost all BlackBerry phones, you can download the updated App from BlackBerry World.
Hi..thanks for sharing this awesome app. Would love to use this app. Awaiting for more such interesting posts.