
Sunday 12 May 2013

Grope and you will burn lingerie developed by 3 Chennai engineering students to stop sadistic gropers

Grope and you will burn lingerie developed by 3 Chennai engineering students to stop sadistic gropers
Image courtesy cartoonstock.com
The amount of outrage of woman's modesty has reached unparalleled levels in India.  With rapes in the Capital taking center stage again, the other places in India are no different.   While we hope the Police would do their duty in nabbing the rapists, stalking of women and groping them by the sadistic elements in our society are common.  The common areas for groping are always the public utilities like the bus, train or the stairway in a rail station.

3 Chennai engineering students have come up with a contraption, which if worn in with the brassiere by a lady will come in handy when the would be groper makes a move.  As soon as the groper will touch the upper part of the woman's body, it will emit a shock amounting to 3800 KV surge of current.  The groper would have a shock of his life.

The three Chennai students who are behind this contraption are Rimpi Tripathi, student of Instrumentation and Control Engineering,  
Manisha Mohan, a student of automobile engineering at Chennai's SRM University and their colleauge Niladhri Basu Pal.  The three of them have developed what they call "Society Harnessing Equipment (SHE)."  It works together with a electric sensor, a GPS and a GSM module.  
» Two layers of cloth - the inside insulates the skin from shock

How the SHE will work and save a woman in distress :Sensors placed between the layer is calibrated to react to squeeze, grab and pinchWhen pressure is applied, the device triggers a 3,800 KV surge of current, up to 82 timesGPS and GSM work in tandem to send location details of the woman to a family member and the cops

The circuit is placed on the bosom and when pressure is applied the sensor-enabled device will trigger a 3,800 KV surge of current that can incapacitate the assailant long enough for the woman to escape. The innerwear would be bilayered; the layer touching the skin made of a material that would insulate her from the shock. Sensors would be placed between the two layers. The sensor is calibrated to distinguish between a normal touch, like a hug, and a violent one, like a squeeze, grab and pinch. The GPS and GSM work in tandem to send location details of the woman.

Sounds very interesting and inspiring in view of recent spate of crimes against women, but will somebody take up the challenge and invest in the startup of the 3 students is a unanswered question.

Vijay Prabhu

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  1. Vijay , nice post , i had a doodle made on this a few days back :)

    1. Thanks yes read it. Was good. Your every doodle is worth millions bro

  2. idea of these student is very nice but every time why women have to protect herself from such accidents............?

    1. I also agree with you but if somebody comes up with something especially in today's India, it would be worth a mention I guess

  3. I agree with anonymous' comment that the condition shouldn't have been such that a woman has to go to such extents just in order to protect herself.
    But anyways, nice idea by the students to come up with such a thing.


:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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