
Friday, 25 January 2013

What should Palestine deduce from the Israel Election Results

What should Palestine deduce from the Israel Election Results
The election results in the recently concluded elections have opened a big question for Paletine and its people, To be or not to be.

The win of moderate parties was a must for creation of Palestine and peace in the region but now with a very minor margin, Prime Minister Netanyahu has clung to chair.  But the rapid rise of  Yair Lapid and his Centre left party  'Yesh Atid' is alarming in the political scene of Israel. 
The Israel-Palestine conflict has been resting on the twin shoulders on seperate Palestine and stop to the settlement in the Gaza strip.   Mr.Netanyahu's bias towards settlers has been evident.  
This looked very feasable and doable in the era of Rabin, the last among the doves in the normally rightist ruling Israel.  But his assasination has put all the peace efforts to rest.  In fact it only added to the fire power of right wing parties in Israel.
Mr.Lapid has also stuck to the middle ground, presenting safe positions within the consensus: he says that he favors negotiations for a Palestinian state while retaining the large West Bank settlement blocs under Israeli control, and he opposes any division of Jerusalem.  And as we know Mr.Netanyahu and his rightist government is against stopping the settlements.  So I expect the settlements to go on.
Moreover now that Mr.Lapid will be a party to the new government, the Arab and the orthodox Jews, who were so far exempted from Military service, now have to go for military service.  This view has been already brought to the negotiating table by Mr.Lapid who favours all Israeli citizens to undergo mandatory military duties.
The elections have also seen the ultra rightist parties back in the reconking and Mr.Netanyahu will just be a figurehead leader of a wider coalition.
The win of centre-right parties is now is due to the very anti Israel sentiment pervading whole of the Arab world.  Morsi is a known Israel baiter, Hamas, as we all know, is in a perpetual war with Israel, Syria is disintegrating, Hezbollah just recently lauched a offensive against Israel from Lebanon.  Add to this the economic situation in Israel is very alarming.  The nationalist agenda  and economy concernes may have thrown up the above results, but the moot question is what happen to Palestine and US sponsored "two state solution"  That sure looks going nowhere.
The above are my view, you may differ from them. Please post your comments about your views.
Vijay Prabhu

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  1. Everything is political games of parties.
    liked your blog.Keep it up.

  2. i think there should be no war and no politics.


:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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