We here it all the time, sometimes on radio or television, some times on the huge billboards. Yes they are the ad jingles or ad slogans created by the creativity team for a particular brand. A ad slogan is often the first thing we remember about a particular product. For example when I utter the brand name COCA COLA you will instantaneously remember its ad slogan : TASTE THE FEELING

Ad slogans have been a very powerful tool for putting your product across for sales through ads. The thumb rule is that the catchier the slogan, the more the sales. I have tried to put together the best know slogans of various companies over the years by scouring the net and making it available for my readers. They may be helpful to you in your school project or very helpful to you if advertising is your future career option.
Ad slogans have been a very powerful tool for putting your product across for sales through ads. The thumb rule is that the catchier the slogan, the more the sales. I have tried to put together the best know slogans of various companies over the years by scouring the net and making it available for my readers. They may be helpful to you in your school project or very helpful to you if advertising is your future career option.
Famous Advertising Slogan
Product or Company
Reach out and touch someone
Please don't squeeze the Charmin
Where do you want to go today?
Life's Good
Neighbor's envy, owner's pride
Onida TV in India
Snap, Crackle, Pop
Rice Krispies
The Real Thing
Where's the beef?
Be wise - Alkalize
Alka Seltzer
Sharp Minds, Sharp Products
Finger lickin' good
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Connecting people
He Keeps Going and Going and ...
Energizer Batteries
Do you... Yahoo!?
Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Because you're worth it
Inspired Living
Let's Make Things Better
Hello Moto
Makes quitting suck less
It's everywhere you want to be
Eat Mor Chikin!
Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline
We make money the old-fashioned way....We earn it
Smith Barney
Be all that you can be.
United States Army
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't
Peter Paul Almond Joy & Peter Paul Mounds
Everything is easier on a Mac
Apple Computer
Welcome to the World Wide Wow
AOL (play on World Wide Web)
Nothing Runs Like A Deere
Deere & Company
Live unböring
The ultimate driving machine
Live in your world, play in ours
Sony Playstation
When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight
Federal Express
Get N or get out
Nintendo 64
See what the future has in store
Future Shop
Easy as Dell
Dell Computer
Go further with Shell
Shell Oil
Once you pop, you can't stop
Push Button Publishing
How do you spell relief?
We Try Harder
Avis Rental Cars
Is it live, or is it Memorex?
The World's Online Market Place
Wherever you go, our network follows
Hutch Cellular India
Consider IT Done
Nothin' says lovin' like something from the oven
No battery is stronger longer
Duracell Batteries
High Performance, Delivered
Intel Inside
Making Tomorrow Better
ONGC (Oil & Natural Gas Commission, India)
Let your fingers do the walking
A diamond is forever.
Shave Time. Shave Money.
Yellow Pages
Dollar Shave Club
Foods and Beverages
♦ A-1 makes hamburgers taste like steakburgers. ~ A-1 Steak Sauce
♦ Always Coca-Cola. ~ Coca Cola
♦ Australian for beer. ~ Foster's
♦ Australians wouldn't give a Castlemaine XXXX for anything else. ~ Australian Beer
♦ Coffee at its best. ~ Nescafe Gold Blend
♦ Coke is it? ~ Coca Cola
♦ Come alive! You're in the Pepsi generation. ~ Pepsi Cola
♦ Eaters, start your orders. ~ Chipotle
♦ Every Pepsi refreshes the world. ~ Pepsi Cola
♦ Fresh squeezed glaciers. ~ Adelma Mineral Water
♦ Good to the last drop. ~ Maxwell House Coffee
♦ Have it your way. ~ Burger King
♦ How do you spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S. ~ Rolaids
♦ I am Canadian. ~ Molson Canadian Beer
♦ Is it in you? ~ Gatorade
♦ I'm lovin' it. ~ McDonald's
♦ It just tastes better. ~ Burger King
♦ Keep walking. ~ Johnnie Walker
♦ Love it for life. ~ Dannon Yogurt
♦ No rules, just right. ~ Outback Steakhouse
♦ Oh thank heaven for 7-Eleven. ~ 7-Eleven
♦ One thing leads to another. ~ Nescafe
♦ Probably the best lager in the world. ~ Carlsberg
♦ Something to smile about. ~ Quaker Oatmeal
♦ That frosty mug sensation. ~ A W Root Beer
♦ That's right. ~ Wendy's
♦ Think outside the bun. ~ Taco Bell
♦ The king of beers. ~ Budweiser
♦ The king of good times. ~ United Breweries
♦ When you say Budweiser, you've said it all. ~ Budweiser
♦ We're cooking now. ~ Denny's
♦ You know when it's Bacardi. ~ Bacardi
Clothing and Fashion
♦ A diamond is forever. ~ DeBeers
♦ Between love and madness lies Obsession. ~ Calvin Klein
♦ Because you're worth it. ~ L'Oreal
♦ Every kiss begins with Kay. ~ Kay Jewelers
♦ fcuk advertising. ~ French Connection United Kingdom
♦ Hello boys. ~ Playtex Wonderbra
♦ I am what I am. ~ Reebok
♦ Impossible is nothing. ~ Adidas
♦ It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. ~ Timex
♦ Just do it. ~ Nike, Inc.
♦ Levis. Original jeans. Original people. ~ Levis
♦ Lifts and separates. ~ Playtex Cross-Your-Heart Bra
♦ Maybe she's born with it - maybe it's Maybelline. ~ Maybelline
♦ The mark of a man. ~ Old Spice
♦ The official uniform of New York. ~ DKNY Jeans
♦ The jeans that built America. ~ Lee
♦ There's a bit of the west in all of us. ~ Wrangler
♦ Born to perform. ~ Jaguar
♦ Break through. ~ Cadillac
♦ Eye it - try it - buy it! ~ Chevrolet
♦ Ford. Designed for living. Engineered to last. ~ Ford
♦ It's not your father's Oldsmobile anymore. ~ Oldsmobile
♦ Inspiration comes standard. ~ Chrysler
♦ Mercedes-Benz. The future of the automobile. ~ Mercedes-Benz
♦ Never follow. ~ Audi
♦ Power, beauty and soul. ~ Aston Martin
♦ Porche, there is no substitute. ~ Porche
♦ Relieves gas pains. ~ Volkswagen
♦ Sheer driving pleasure. ~ BMW
♦ The power of dreams. ~ Honda
♦ The ultimate driving machine. ~ BMW
♦ The road will never be the same. ~ Acura
♦ Volkswagen. Drivers wanted. ~ Volkswagen
♦ We try harder. ~ Avis
♦ Zoom-Zoom. ~ Mazda
Electronics, Broadcasting, Communications
♦ 1000 songs in your pocket. ~ Apple iPod
♦ All the news that's fit to print. ~ The New York Times
♦ Always low prices. Always. ~ Wal-Mart
♦ ABC: America's Broadcasting Company. ~ ABC
♦ Acquire, manage and listen. ~ Apple Computer
♦ Connecting People. ~ Nokia
♦ Do you have the bunny inside? ~ Energizer Max
♦ Fair and balanced. ~ FOX News
♦ Get more ~ T-Mobile
♦ Game on. And on. And on. ~ Apple iPod Touch
♦ Hello Moto. ~ Motorola
♦ Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba? ~ Toshiba
♦ How many bars do you have? ~ AT&T Wireless
♦ How does the wireless industry make you feel? ~ Sprint
♦ If you don't get it, you don't get it. ~ The Washington Post
♦ Intel inside. ~ Intel
♦ It's not TV, it's HBO. ~ HBO
♦ Just what I needed. ~ Circuit City
♦ Keeps going and going and going. ~ Energizer Batteries
♦ Let your fingers do the walking. ~ Yellow Pages
♦ Meet your new personal trainer. ~ Nike+iPod
♦ Nick is for kids. ~ Nickelodeon TV channel
♦ Reach out and touch someone. ~ AT&T Wireless
♦ Save money. Live better. ~ Wal-Mart
♦ Taking care of business. ~ Office Depot
♦ The fun develops instantly. ~ Polaroid
♦ The Eye in the Eyes. ~ CBS
♦ The first network for men. ~ Spike TV
♦ The most trusted name in news. ~ CNN
♦ This changes everything. Again. ~ Apple iPhone 4
♦ Thousands of possibilities. Get yours. ~ Best Buy
♦ Turn It Up. ~ UPN
♦ We never stop working for you. ~ Verizon Wireless
♦ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ~ Wikipedia
♦ Your Potential. Our passion. ~ Microsoft
♦ You've got questions, we've got answers. ~ RadioShack
Best Indian Slogans
♦ Yehi hai right choice baby! Aha ~ Pepsi
♦ Taste the thunder ~ Thums Up
♦ Born tough ~ Ceat
♦ Shock laga kya ~ Havells
♦ The mint with a hole ~ Polo
♦ Daag acche hai ~ Surf Excel
♦ Har ghar kuch kehta hai ~ Asian Paints
♦ I love you Rasna ~ Rasna (remember the sweet Rasna girl)
♦ Fresh n Juicy ~ Footi
♦ Thanda matlab Coca Cola ~ Coke
♦ The complete man ~ Raymond’s
♦ Definitely Male ~ Bajaj Pulsar
♦ Swad zindagi ka ~ Dairy Milk
♦ The honest shirt ~ Peter England
♦ No confusion, great combination ~ Bingo
♦ Boost is the secret of my energy ~ Boost
♦ Tandurusti hai yahan ~ Lifebuoy
♦ Tyres with muscle ~ MRF
♦ What an Idea Sirjee ~ Idea
♦ An idea can change your life ~ Idea
♦ Wherever you go, our network follows ~ Hutch, Vodafone
♦ Neighbour’s envy, owner’s pride ~ Onida
♦ The king of good times ~ Kingfisher
♦ Live life kingsize ~ Foursquare
♦ Hungry kya? ~ Domino’s
♦ Yeh dil maange more ~ Pepsi
♦ Pal banaaye magical ~ Lays
♦ Hum mein hai hero ~ Hero Motocorp
♦ Start it, fill it, forget it ~ Hero Honda
♦ The taste of India ~ Amul
♦ Express yourself ~ Airtel
♦ Mera sapna, sabka apna ~ Reliance communications
♦ Only Vimal ~ Vimal
♦ Do you have it in you? ~ Indian Army
♦ Zindagi ke saath bhi, zindagi ke baad bhi ~ LIC
♦ Isko laga dala to life zingalala ~ TataSky
♦ Yeh fevicol ka majboot zod hai, tootega nahi ~ Fevicol
♦ Dobara mat puchna ~ Chlormint
♦ Dimaag ki batti jala de ~ Mentos
♦ Bajaate raho ~ Red FM
♦ Its hot! ~ Radio Mirchi
♦ Wah Taj! ~ Taj Mahal Tea
♦ Bujhaaye pyaas, baki all bakwas ~ Sprite
♦ No one can eat just one ~ Lays
♦ Jiyo sir uthake ~ HDFC Life Insurance
L'Oréal: "Because You're Worth It"
California Milk Processor Board: "Got Milk?"
MasterCard: "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard."
BMW: "Designed for Driving Pleasure"
- Harley Davidson – American by Birth. Rebel by Choice.
- Volkswagen – Think Small.
- Porsche – There is no substitute.
- Aston Martin – Power, beauty and soul.
- Walmart – Save Money. Live Better.
- Reebok – I am what I am.
- Nike – Just do it.
- Adidas – Impossible is Nothing.
- Calvin Klein – Between love and madness lies obsession.
- Marks & Spencer – The customer is always and completely right!
- Levis – Quality never goes out of style.
- Tag Heuer – Success. It’s a Mind Game.
- 3M – Innovation.
- IBM – Solutions for a smart planet.
- Sony – Make Believe.
- IMAX – Think big.
- DuPont – The miracles of science.
- Energizer – Keeps going and going and going.
- PlayStation – Live in your world. Play in ours.
- EA – Challenge everything.
- Blogger – Push button publishing.
- Canon – See what we mean.
- Nikon – At the heart of the image.
- Kodak – Share moments. Share life.
- Olympus – Your vision. Our future.
- FedEx – When there is no tomorrow.
- Red Cross – The greatest tragedy is indifference.
- Disneyland – The happiest place on earth.
- Holiday Inn – Pleasing people the world over.
- Hallmark – When you care enough to send the very best.
- Fortune – For the men in charge of change.
- Ajax – Stronger than dirt.
- Yellow Pages – Let your fingers do the walking.
- McDonalds – I’m loving it.
- KFC – Finger lickin’ good.
- Burger King – Have it your way.
And finally
Have a break, have a KitKat !
some of the above might be repeated...... 8-).
some of the above might be repeated...... 8-).