Mobiles or rather smart phones have ceased to be a luxury rather they are a necessity now a days. So if your daughter or son is after you to buy a new phone enter into a agreement first and then gift them their first phone.

This small nifty little device, which 20 years ago, if somebody had said would enable us to talk to each other without any wires, we would have called that person as insane. But in today's world a mobile and a smart phone is a reality and a absolute necessity. But it can be a real pain in the hands of children so I suggest you enter a so called pre-mobile agreement with your son or daughter before you gift them their first phone.
1. The mobile will be switched of at a particular time at night(you decide the time). No Calls, no SMS, no surfing after that time. If your child is with you, there cant be any emergency.
2. Save your number as Mom, Dad or whatever your child calls you and a call from 'Mommy' or 'Daddy' should always be picked up irrespective of the time, the place or the situation.
3. Phone is instrument, the child shall not be attached to it so much that he or she forgets all about you or your spouse. The phone should be used to the minimum in the house, minimum in the school/college. Rest of the time the child will be on his own but make him understand that all that texting/calling/surfing costs you money and if he/she saves that money, you can get him/her something else next year/next Christmas.
4. Never pickup unknown numbers, never call their friends frequently, incessantly or receive their call frequently, incessantly. If the so called friend still call yours child speak to his/her parents about the same.
5. No calls during breakfast/lunch/dinner with family, friends and relatives. Teach them to keep the phone switched off or on silent mode.
6. Speaking on a phone is a matter of etiquette, tell your child speak softly. Tell them to cover their mouth if required.
7. No Calls/Text/Internet/Games while walking on the road. It is dangerous
8. This is for you 'Parents' No matter how much it costs, a phone is phone so children are bound to lose it, damage it, brick it or spill their coffee or cola on it. So PLEASE don't get angry with them. Remember the time when you were kids your self and the naughtiest things you did. So a child is a child and every child (boy or girl) is a born Engineer so expect them to do something stupid with their phone.
Without the above agreement don't gift a new phone to your child.
Post your comments on things you would like to include in the agreement.
Vijay Prabhu
I liked your blog very very much.Thanks for posting.
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