Google is meticulously and secretly planning a new smart phone to take on Samsung and iPhone, especially in the US markets.

Google is planning to take Samsung and Apple head on with its latest offering which has been kept under wraps. Here's a view into the secret world of Google.
Post its takeover of Motorola for $12.5 billion, it had been on the cards that Google would use Motorola's expertise and its Engineers to manufacture its own range of smart phones. It had tried its hand at manufacturing phones with the launch of Nexus One
based on Android 2.3 to most recent Nexus 10
based on Android 4.2 operating system. But all of them met with limited success as far as US markets are concerned. The US markets are currently ruled by Apple with its iPhone and Samsung with its Galaxy III. Therefore it was but natural for Google to come up with a new smart phone to meet the challenges and come up with a iPhone killer as they call in blog universe.

As per WSJ seven months after being acquired by Google for $12.5 billion, Motorola is designing its marquee handset with cutting-edge features to stand apart from existing phones when it is released next year. Motorola plans to enhance the X Phone with its recent acquisition of Viewdle, an imaging and gesture-recognition software developer.
All this is kept a secret as Samsung is its biggest partners and the phone is being crafted in case Samsung decides to shift its loyalties to Windows Phone.
Will keep you posted on the happenings of new phone. The Apple seems kind of lost without Steve Jobs at the helm. Kindly post your comments to encourage me to write many more articles in the days to come.
Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
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